Download Large list of English idioms from A to Z
- A big cheese- an important or a powerful person in a group or family
- A bird’s eye view- a view from a very high place which allows you to see a large area
- A bone of contention- something that people argue for a long time
- A cock and a bull story- a story or an explanation which is obviously not true.
- At the crack of the dawn- very early in morning
- A cuckoo in the nest- someone in a group of people but not liked by them.
- A litmus test- a method which clearly proves something
- As the crow flies- measuring distance between two places in a straight line.
- A dead letter- an argument or law not followed by anyone.
- At the drop of the hat- u do something easily and without any preparation
- An early bird- someone who gets early in the morning
- An educated guess- a guess which was likely to get corrected
- At the eleventh hour- be too late.
- A queer fish- a strange person
- A wakeup call- an event done to warn someone
- A worm’s eye view- having very little knowledge about something…
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डाउनलोड List of Idioms A – Z